Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Network Neutrality

Network Neutrality was in the news again today in a dispute between Comcast and Level 3 communications a competitive local exchange provider (CLEC) and Internet Service Provider (ISP.) See the full article here:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703945904575645251061168526.html?mod=rss_Technology

It appears that Comquest is afraid of losing its cable TV business to Netflix and as a result wants to charge Level 3 for transmitting Netflix video over its broadband access.


  1. Its seems as though competition isn't fair like it used to be. I hope they don't change anything with netflix because i love it..

  2. I agree! The cable TV companies provide a lot of access in the country and are trying to make Netflix less competitive by increasing its costs of delivery.

  3. What we are seeing is huge companies fight over the money in our wallets like wild rabid dogs. We need to watch stories like this and others, like the one on why we need to be wary of the cloud (Why Google Chrome OS & The Cloud May Be Bad Ideas by Kristine Schachinger : read the story here, http://searchenginewatch.com/3641561)
    We may need to sew zippers on our pockets to keep big companies from stuffing their money vacuums deeper in them.

  4. Without concrete legislation the FCC is toothless in enforcing net neutrality and situations like this will be commonplace as we lose the freedom of unfettered access to all the capabilities of the internet.

    Unfortunately this isn't a high priority for anyone in Washington with our newly divided Congress and upcoming battles over tax breaks and health care.
